Using a Custom Build Locally

If you want to use a custom build of FeGen in your project, you can install all FeGen plugins to your local .m2 directory by running the following command in the root project:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

To include the built plugins in a gradle project, insert mavenLocal() as a repository for your dependencies as well as your buildscript in your build.gradle. If you are using a Kotlin client, you also need to add mavenLocal() in the repositories section of your client's build.gradle. If you are generating Typescript code, you need to specify the relative path to the fegen-web/fegen-web-runtime directory within the FeGen repository in the client's package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@materna-se/fegen-runtime": "../../fegen/fegen-web/fegen-web-runtime"