
This document describes common pitfalls you might run into while using FeGen and how you can fix them.

Plugin not found

> Plugin with id 'de.materna.fegen.web' not found.

Make sure you added a dependency to the correct fegen plugin. Its name should end with gradle-plugin if you are using gradle or maven-plugin if you are using maven.

// Wrong:
classpath "com.github.materna-se.fegen:fegen-web:1.0"
// Correct:
classpath "com.github.materna-se.fegen:fegen-web-gradle-plugin:1.0"

Also make sure you are using the fegen-web-*-plugin to generate Typescript and fegen-kotlin-*-plugin to generate Kotlin code.

Outdated gradle version

> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
   > org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskContainer.named(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/gradle/api/tasks/TaskProvider;

Your gradle version is too old. You can update your gradle wrapper using the following command. The line apply plugin: 'de.materna.fegen.web' must be removed before doing so because Gradle will need to be able to read your build.gradle even for updating.

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 6.6.1

You might need to update your other plugins as well. Otherwise, you might get an error message such as the following:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file <Line with "apply plugin: 'kotlin'">

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project '<Your project>'.
> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError (no error message)

This happens if you are trying to use the Kotlin plugin with the version 1.2 with a recent Gradle version. Use at least 1.3 to avoid this problem.

Nullable fields

You may have encountered the following error message:

Field "xyz" in entity "com.example.entity.SomeEntity" is implicitly nullable
    Please add a @Nullable annotation if this is intentional
    or add a @NotNull annotation to forbid null values
    Set implicitNullable to WARN to continue the build despite missing @Nullable annotations

Java does not distinguish between types that are nullable and types that are not. The target languages of FeGen (Typescript and Kotlin) however use different types depending on whether null is an allowed value.

If nullability is not explicitly specified using an annotation for an entity's field, by default that field will be treated as nullable by Spring. Therefore, FeGen will make the corresponding field in Typescript and Kotlin nullable. This default behavior will cause the null safety features of those languages to become useless for the generated types and may encourage the bad practice of not handling the nullability of a field correctly.

The error message you saw is there to prevent this from happening. Consider whether null is a meaningful value for this field and, if not, add a @NotNull annotation to the field. Otherwise, if nullability is intentional, explicitly mark the field with @Nullable.

The default behaviour of FeGen is to fail the build with an error if it encounters a field that is implicitly nullable. If you just want to display a warning, add the following to the fegenWeb or fegenKotlin section in your build.gradle:

implicitNullable = DiagnosticsLevel.WARN

To completely ignore implicit nullability, change WARN to ALLOW

Missing CORS configuration

You may see the following error message in your browser when using the generated client:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked

Check the hostname accessed in the request. If it is the one you would expect, it is probably a missing or wrong CORS configuration. Take a look at this step of the quick start guide to add or fix it.

Client accesses wrong host

If you are using the browser, you may see an error message like this:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked

In all cases, you may notice that a wrong host / domain is accessed when using the api client generated by FeGen.

The reason for this may be that you have not configured Spring to correctly determine under which URL it can be reached. That may be necessary if you are using a reverse proxy or development server. The Spring server must know how it can be reached, because when it returns an entity, it also includes links to manipulate this entity and related entities in its response and FeGen relies on those links to be correct. Some proxies will however not include the original host name in the HTTP request, but instead place it in a header like X-Forwarded-Host.

Trusting those headers may however impose a security risk, as they can be added by malicious clients if do not implement measures to prevent that (See this section of the Spring documentation). You can tell spring to trust those headers by adding the following to your application.properties.
