
Sometimes, you need a certain set of attributes in multiple entities. An example for this could be longitude and latitude which should be two fields that every entity should have if a physical location can be associated with it.

Spring supports this by letting you define classes and mark them as embeddable:

class Coordinates {

    public long longitude;
    public long latitude;

You can then add those attributes to an entity by adding a corresponding field and annotating it with @Embedded:

public class City {
    // ...
    private Coordinates location;

    @Projection(name = "baseProjection", types = {City::class})
    interface BaseProjection {
        // ...
        Coordinates getLocation();

Take note that you also need to add @Embedded fields to your base projection. FeGen will generate a location field in the City type that will contain the two fields longitude and latitude.

At the time of writing, FeGen only supports primitive fields in @Embeddable classes. This means that using types other than boolean, numbers and strings (like entities) won't work.