
The first step to use FeGen is to include the FeGen plugins for either Typescript, Kotlin or both in your build file. If you are using gradle, you need to add a dependency in the buildscript within your build.gradle. Make sure you have mavenCentral() set as one of your buildscript repositories. You will need gradle version 6.0.1 or later for the plugin to work.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath("com.github.materna-se.fegen:fegen-web-gradle-plugin:1.0-RC9") // For Typescript
        classpath("com.github.materna-se.fegen:fegen-kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.0-RC9") // For Kotlin

Then you need to apply the plugin(s) to your project.

apply(plugin = "de.materna.fegen.web")
apply(plugin = "de.materna.fegen.kotlin")

Applying the plugin enables you to configure the FeGen plugins using the fegenWeb and fegenKotlin sections.

configure<de.materna.fegen.web.gradle.FeGenWebGradlePluginExtension> {
    scanPkg = "com.example.your.main.package"
    frontendPath = "../frontend/src/generated-client"

configure<de.materna.fegen.web.gradle.FeGenKotlinGradlePluginExtension> {
    scanPkg = "com.example.your.main.package"
    frontendPath = "../android-app/src/main/kotlin"
    frontendPkg = "com.example.your.main.package.api"

You can find all configuration options on the Configuration Options page.

If you want to use custom endpoints and are using a Spring version that ships with version 1.0.0 or later of spring-hateoas, you will need also need to add fegen-spring-util as a dependency. This ensures that links required by FeGen will be added to the return values of custom endpoints.

dependencies {

Once you are happy with your configuration, you can run the following command to have FeGen generate the client code in Typescript.

./gradlew fegenWeb

To generate code in Kotlin, replace fegenWeb with fegenKotlin