
This guide describes the process of publishing all JVM artefacts on Maven Central as well as publishing the web runtime on

One-time preparation

First you will need an account on and need to join the materna-se organization. Then you execute npm login and enter your credentials in the prompt.

You will also need a Sonatype Jira Account to be able to publish to Maven Central. It will have to be activated for the groupId com.github.materna-se as seen in the following ticket: Talk to Jonas Tamimi for details.

While you are waiting for the activation, you can generate a personalized GPG key. To do that, follow steps 8-10 of the "Prerequisite Steps" of this guide: Make sure to remember the Key ID from the line key 27835B3BD2A2061F marked as ultimately trusted.

Afterwards, perform step 7 of the "Publishing Steps" where you upload your public key to a key server.

To make sure that the FeGen gradle project finds your key, you need to have the following lines in the file .gradle/ within your home directory:


The last value points to a file within a directory, where you will have to execute the following command to save your GPG key:

gpg --export-secret-keys -o secring.gpg

The second to last value must be the ID of the key you generated earlier.


  1. Increment all Versions
    First you will need to increment the version of all maven artifacts and, if applicable, of the web runtime. The first ones reside in the top level build.gradle file. I strongly recommend setting all versions here on the same value and thereby accepting also publishing artifacts without changes. The version of the web runtime can be adjusted in the file fegen-web/fegen-web-runtime/package.json. It is important to also adapt all references to FeGen versions. They can be located in the various build.gradle files as well as in the documentation within the book directory. You can use the global (project wide) search to look for the old versions. Afterwards, you will need to rebuild the book (Execute ./mdbook build in /book, see Architecture). When you are done, commit your changes.
  2. Execute Maven Publish
    Execute ./gradlew publish in your root directory. A dialog will pop up where you will need to enter the password for your GPG key.
  3. Confirm Upload to Maven Central
    The uploaded files of the publish task will end up here. Log in using the button in the top right and click on Staging Repositories on the left. Your upload should be in the list, and you can check whether all files have been successfully uploaded. Then you can select each uploaded artifact and click Close and Release on the toolbar.
  4. Publishing the Web Runtime
    Execute npm publish in fegen-web/fegen-web-runtime.
  5. Merging into the main branch
    The master branch should always represent the current state. That is why you should merge the develop branch into it using --no-ff.
  6. Tagging
    Tag the commit created by the merge with the version number of the Maven artifacts and the version of the web runtime.
  7. Switch back to develop
    To prevent accidentally committing on the master branch, it is best to immediately switch back to develop.